Collection: CBD Tablets and Capsules
CBD Tablets and Capsules
Our hand picked range of CBD Tablets and Capsules, one of the easiest methods of ingestion and tracking your dose!
These products enable you to take a consist dose that fits in with your daily multi vitamin/ prescription routine. Ranging from 5mg - 50mg per tablet depending on your needs.
Whats the difference between CBD Oil and CBD Tablets and Capsules?
CBD Drops have two different ways of ingestion, one more efficient than the other. Firstly holding it under the tongue for 60-90 seconds is the fastest way to get it into your system. However many users (Ourselves included) tend to swallow them directly by adding them to drink/ food. Adding some drops to coffee is incredibly popular for example.
So the difference between CBD Oil drops and CBD Tablets and Capsules is that CBD Oil can be more efficient for absorption if you choose to use it under the tongue. However if you compare swallowing it directly to tablets then the results will be very similar. Typically the onset is anywhere between 40 minutes to 2 hours when swallowing any internal CBD products.
Whats the difference between Full Spectrum based and isolate based CBD Tablets and Capsules?
Full spectrum extracts used in products such as these are the most effective and efficient options but can cost more. Isolate based CBD Tablets and capsules may still give you the desired effects but bare in mind that you should see better results with a Full Spectrum Alternative.