Collection: CBD Vape Kits

CBD Vape Kits


Want to start vaping CBD? Well you're in luck, we have a wide variety of vapeable CBD product to choose from. Whether its Full Spectrum Terpene Infused CBD Vape juice you're after or a booster shot for your own favourite Vape juice then we've got you covered! 


However to use these juices you'l need a a vape device and if you're new to vaping then that's a whole other kettle of fish to get your head around. Fear not! We've tried to keep our selection of Vape Devices very simple and limited to a few devices that we have tried and tested ourselves. 


So if you're looking for a new CBD Vape Kits or you're just starting out and need something super simple to use then we have what you need here! 


What do I need to consider with a CBD Vape Kits? 


Ok so CBD Vape juice tends to be quite concentrated in smaller 10/30ml bottles. This means that you would typically need a device with low output so that you have more control over your dosage. At risk of contradicting ourselves for a second, you can get CBD Vape Shots to add to your own favourite juice. So if you already use a sub ohm device with larger vape production then we do have solutions for that! 


So you want to make sure its a device suitable for the type of CBD Vape Juice that you're using, doesn't produce too much vapour so you can be efficient with your dosage and doesn't cost the earth to replace coils etc! 


So checkout our selection of CBD Vape Kits, if you need further advice or help just give us a call or drop us an email and we'd be happy to take you through your options!



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